Are You Ready for Windows CE and Embedded Handheld End of Life?

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Download Our Free Guide: Are You Ready for Windows CE and Embedded Handheld End of Life?

Microsoft is phasing out support for Windows CE and Embedded Handheld operating systems found on
many rugged handheld devices. With the end of support, or “end of life,” devices that used those
operating systems will no longer receive updates or security patches. That means you won’t be able to
add new applications to the devices and they’ll be vulnerable to attack from computer viruses and


The clock is ticking on Windows CE and Handheld support. End of Life dates are:

– June 10, 2018 – Windows Embedded CE 6.0
– June 9, 2019 – Windows Embedded 8.1 Handheld
– January 14, 2020 – Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5

This leaves many warehouses to face a pivotal decision: How do we handle an operating system (OS) change?
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