Business WLAN

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Business WLAN with WiNG Express

Enterprise class wireless networking, simplified and priced for smaller businesses.

If you have a small to midsize business, you share many of the same wireless networking needs as a large business. Just like a large business, your workers need enterprise class connectivity – a WLAN that offers around-the-clock dependability, that can heal itself, that offers the wired-style speeds that your workers need to maximize efficiency, with rock-solid security.

Just like a large business, you need the tools to monitor, manage and troubleshoot the WLAN and all its connected devices.

But a “big business” WLAN comes with a high price tag and the need for an IT department with the expertise to manage the complex features of an enterprise class WAN….until today.

Download the WiNG Express overview to discover the top 5 benefits of enterprise class WLAN with a small business size investment.


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Wing Express Benefits

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