Imprint Mobility Manager (IM²) Ebook – Download

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Our Management Solution for your
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Feeling like you’re without time or resources (money, manpower, or skills) to truly maintain and manage the devices you have under your purview? Regardless of the size of your company, you don’t want or need the hassle of knowing every little thing about every single device. Sure, you know you need the overall data that is available to you and that it’s important. Certainly, you don’t want there to be any security gaps or downtime caused by poorly managed and maintained devices. But ultimately you just want stuff to come into the warehouse and go back out again without being the one who to see to every device and its pro-visioning, patching, updating, etc. 

Our new solution – Imprint Mobility Manager (IM²) – can take care of your devices and keep a close eye on their needs and activity, so you don’t have to. 

In doing so, we can assist during downtime, address security fears, and provide you the help desk you’re looking for. 

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