
March 24, 2021

Define Your Needs and Requirements Before Jumping Into A Labeling System

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Are you considering a labeling system for your company? Product labeling is vital in manufacturing, shipping, and distribution processes. Manufacturers face a wide range of evolving requirements for labeling that can complicate the process.

What problems will a labeling system solution solve for your business? Before you decide which system would be suitable for your business, you need to determine why you need it and what problems it will solve.

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Sometimes solving the problem is not enough; what is the return on investment you desire? In the end, what is the total cost of ownership?

Answering these questions are steps often missed, and you end up backtracking to find the right solution. That also increases costs and diminishes your return on investment. So let's look at the questions you need to ask yourself.

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Begin learning which might be the right solution by asking what problems and issues are causing you to consider automating label applications?

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Define Your Scope

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There are several in-line label applicator systems on the market. Begin learning which might be the right solution by asking what problems and issues are causing you to consider automating label applications? 

Inconsistent Workers

While your workers do a great job, not everyone works at the same pace every hour of every day.  They may be off sick or have a vacation day here and there, and someone else has to fill in, which provides a level of inconsistency.  

Even if workers are there every day, they may not always work at the same pace. Everyone has bad days when they have less energy or excellent days when they seem to be able to work at a faster pace.

And don't forget, workers can make mistakes. Mistakes cost money. It might seem like a tiny mistake, but if they issue the wrong label, it could jeopardize your company's credibility as a vendor.

No matter how wonderful your workforce, you have to consider the inconsistencies of your workers.

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Labels Need Fast Application

Do you need the labels applied faster than your labor force can manually apply? This is nothing against your workers, but humans can only work so quickly, and maybe you need a faster solution.

You have deadlines to meet, and time is money. So sometimes automating the labeling can help you meet the demands of the industry.

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Accuracy and Precision

Does the labeling require accuracy and precision humans cannot provide? Humans are not perfect, especially when they are working at a fast pace. And sometimes, it is just impossible to accurately paste the labels manually. If the label requires a level of accuracy and precision that humans cannot provide, it is time to consider automation.

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Cost Savings

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Can positions be eliminated or employees moved to different positions providing a cost savings? No one likes to eliminate staff, but sometimes it is necessary to move forward in your business. Will the employee be repurposed, and will it mean significant savings for the company? Perhaps the employee can move to another position, or maybe someone is retiring, and instead of filling the job, you add an automated labeling system. As a business owner, you need to look at the bottom line and know whether adding automation will save you money in the end and be worth the investment.

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Tight integrations with Apple VPP and Google Play deliver the right application to the right employee and device. IT staff can use blacklist/whitelist controls to identify what corporate apps are available and can also wipe/remove enterprise apps if a device is non-compliant, lost, or if an employee leaves.

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Know Your TCO/ROI Requirements

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When making a significant investment, you want to be sure you know the total cost of ownership and a projection of when you will see a return on your investment. Whether installing an automated labeling solution for the first time or upgrading your existing technology, it is an investment of time and money. You have to consider the costs and how important it is to your business.

Things you need to take into consideration include:

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  • What are the metrics needed for a labeling system to be a successful project?  You need to know the numbers you are starting with and the target number you desire.  It is like a roadmap.  You can’t get to where you want to be if you don’t know where you are going. 
  • What percentage of products per hour are needed to have a ROI of x?  Another numbers issue.  Again only you know the numbers for your business, but we can help you figure them out.  
  • If a worker is eliminated or repurposed, what is the cost savings?  Will that cost savings pay for the automated labeling system?   Will there be extra savings you can put toward something else?  

Improved Efficiency and Accuracy

Will improved efficiency and accuracy offset the initial cost of an automated labeling solution?    Manual label application is labor-intensive and error-prone.  By increasing productivity with an automated labeling solution, your company will positively impact its profitability and provide a positive ROI.

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When making a significant investment, you want to be sure you know the total cost of ownership and a projection of when you will see a return on your investment.

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Answering these questions is not always easy. Once you know the answers to these questions, you can begin to see the benefits and learn the different options of in-line label applications to best meet your business needs.  

Imprint helps you through this process from start to finish.  When you contact us, we work with you and guide you as you answer these questions to ensure the equipment we eventually recommend is what will meet your needs.  

At Imprint Enterprises, we partner with industry leaders to offer a variety of quality labeling systems. We know one size does not fit all, and if you can't find what you need in an existing model, we can custom engineer a solution that will fit your unique requirements.  Our knowledgeable team will work closely with you through all stages of planning and implementation.  Your success matters to us!

For more information, visit www.imprint-e.com  or contact us at (855)745-4464 or drop us an email at customer_service@imprint100.com.
