
July 7, 2021

Get the Industrial-Grade Barcode Scanner that can Lower Your Total Cost of Ownership

Honeywell Granit™ scanner

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Not all barcode scanners are meant to handle harsh, industrial-grade environments. Companies often find themselves constantly replacing barcode scanners due to extreme wear and tear. Even then, many barcode scanners are not built to withstand underwater washdowns or have subpar drop specs.

Honeywell is an industry leader, setting the standard for industrial-grade barcode scanning. The company incorporates the latest technological advancements in barcode scanning to meet the harshest of industrial grade manufacturing and warehousing environments. The Granit series from Honeywell offers wired and wireless options, as well as short-range and full-range scanners.

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The newest in the series, Granit™ XP 1990i and 1991i, come in Standard Range (SR) and Extended Range (XR) with wired and wireless options. With multiple scanning configurations and compatibility with Honeywell’s vehicle-mounted computers, the Granit series can vastly improve productivity, efficiency, and accuracy for a warehouse.

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Get the industrial-grade barcode scanner with increased durability and reliability, which lowers your total cost of ownership (TCO). With the SR and XR options, Granit™ 1990i and 1991i up the standard for barcode scanners with 10 options to choose from. Each barcode scanner has specific applications that can meet any of your industrial-grade needs.

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Industrial-Grade with Increased Durability and Reliability

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The Granit™ XP series barcode scanners are encased in impact-ready housings that are water- and dust-proof. The increased durability and reliability create a lower TCO with an upgraded IP67 sealing to withstand underwater wash downs. They can even withstand 20 8-ft drops and 7,000 1-meter tumbles. Older models still have an IP65 sealing.

The Granit™ XP series barcode scanners are specifically built to address common challenges in different vertical markets and environments, including outdoor use and rugged, mobile jobs. The XP series are also backwards compatible with any Granit accessories you currently own.


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Granit 1990i and 1991i up the Standard with SR and XR Options

The Standard Range (SR) will be replacing the 1910i and 1911i series. The new category of Extended Range (XR) can scan up close as well as it scans from far away. The updated and improved design of the SR and XR series are easier to use while being backwards compatible so you can use your current Granit™ accessories.

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The Honeywell Operational Intelligence software can deliver on-demand scan insights and is included in the 1991i and 1990i series. This software enables greater employee productivity and efficiency. These series also have the Honeywell Scanner Management Utility (SMU), which is an automated, holistic solution for updating and deploying the scanners within your facility.

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10 Total Honeywell Granit Options

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The Granit™ industrial-grade barcode scanners have a total of 10 options to choose from, though the 1910i and 1911i are being phased out in favor of the SR series. The first 4 series have the upgraded IP67 sealing, while the remainder have the IP65 sealing.

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The Granit 1991iXR is an ultra-rugged FlexRange™ wireless scanner that is a best-in-class. This area-imaging scanner is ideal for normal, near-field scanning of 1D and 2D barcodes, with expanded range scanning of UPC to 1.5 m (5 ft) and 100 mil codes to 10 m (33 ft).

The Granit 1991iSR is an ultra-rugged SR wireless scanner that is a best-in-class. This area-imaging scanner is ideal for normal, near-field scanning of 1D and 2D barcodes.

The Granit 1990iXR is an ultra-rugged FlexRange™ corded scanner with best-in-class durability. This area-imaging scanner is ideal for normal, near-field scanning of 1D and 2D barcodes, with expanded range scanning of UPC to 1.5 m (5 ft) and 100 mil codes to 10 m (33 ft).

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The Granit 1990iSR is an ultra-rugged SR corded scanner that is a best-in-class. This wireless area-imaging scanner is ideal for normal, near-field scanning of 1D and 2D barcodes.

The Granit 1981i is an industrial, full-range area-imaging wireless scanner for low-density (100 mil) codes out to 16 m (52 ft) and high-density (2 mil) codes at close range.

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The Granit 1980i is an industrial, full-range area-imaging wired scanner for low-density (100 mil) codes out to 16 m (52 ft) and high-density (2 mil) codes at close range.

The Granit 1920i is a wired, full-range scanner for industrial DPM area-imaging scanning. It is able to read standard 1D and 2D barcodes on printed labels. This scanner has a laser-spot aimer and omnidirectional scanning capabilities.

The Granit 1911i (phasing out) is a wireless industrial area-imaging scanner for demanding, arm’s length scanning of 1D and 2D barcodes. Its extended linear depth-of-field scans out-of-reach items with 20 mil linear codes out to 75 cm (29.5 in) for 2D codes.

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The Granit 1910i (phasing out) is a wired industrial area-imaging scanner for arm’s length scanning of 1D and 2D barcodes. It can scan out-of-reach items with 20 mil linear codes out to 75 cm (29.5 in) for 2D codes.

The Granit 1280i is an industrial, full-range wired laser scanner that can read 1D barcodes from as close as 8.9 cm (3.5 in) on 7.5 mil high-density barcodes. It can also scan 100 mil retro-reflective 1D barcode labels as far out as 16.5 m (54 ft).

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Best Applications for each Barcode Scanner


Each industrial-grade barcode scanner has specifications to suit your needs:

      • Granit 1990iSR (wired) and 1991iSR (wireless): from contact to arm’s length
      • Granit 1990iXR (wired) and 1991iXR (wireless): from contact to 33 feet
      • Granit 1980i (wired) and 1981i (wireless): from contact to 52 feet and beyond
      • Granit 1920i (wired): DPM area-imaging scanning up to arm’s length
      • Granit 1280i (wired): 1D barcodes as close as 8.9 cm (3.5 in) on 7.5 mil high-density barcodes. It can also scan 100 mil retro-reflective 1D barcode labels as far out as 16.5 m (54 ft)

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With many options to choose from, you no longer need to compromise up-close scanning speeds to scan from a distance.

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Increase Productivity and Scanning Reliability with the Best-in-Class

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With SR and XR wired and wireless options, there are multiple scanning configurations to improve TCO, productivity, efficiency, and accuracy. The XR series are priced at near SR scanning pricing. Honeywell is an industry leader, setting the standard for industrial-grade barcode scanning with the latest in technological advancements.

Discover which series will work best in your harsh, industrial environment. Imprint Enterprises is a longtime Honeywell partner with decades of experience in the industry. Imprint is also one of Honeywell’s top partners, holding a Honeywell Platinum Partner status.

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Contact Imprint today to discuss your industrial-grade scanning needs.

For More Information

Contact: sales@Imprint-E.com

(855) 745-4464
