
April 30, 2019

How to Solve Your Company’s Worry About Chain of Custody

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What do leaders in the medical manufacturing, food and drug, chemical, and pharma industries all have in common?

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They’re all worried about chain of custody. The critical course a product takes from that very first step of manufacturing or production to the end customer all with the hope nothing will go awry.

Whether your enterprise is a big fish or a small fry, the challenges you face in keeping chain of custody compliant is a real problem no matter how big your business. As that product moves through the chain, upper management holds their breath and crosses their fingers that they haven’t let any industry regulation or requirement go unchecked.

Lack of accountability in track and trace, poor systems and operations, oversight in management, and other human errors made possible by more manual approaches all run you the risk of legal ramifications and financial consequences, not to mention hits to your company’s reputation.

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Appropriate barcodes and labelling become a critical piece to running a successful chain of custody for your product – no matter the industry. Systemization and security around track and trace that takes these processes out of human hands is a necessity. So, how can you solve your company’s worry about chain of custody? You get BarTender®, a barcode and label software. BarTender® is a vital element of the logistics, compliance, and traceability labeling approaches of the world’s supply chains.

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BarTender® allows you to define and build your process based on your industry’s standards and requirements. BarTender® integrates with your existing systems and/or workflows (think your ERP system), offering centralized control. With a companion application, Librarian, you can store files in a unified database rather than on variety of hard drives. With all documents in one place, there is greater ease in tracking and managing documents. Beyond that, you can use Librarian to define custom-named workflow states for files in different stages of the publishing process and create rules to govern that workflow.  Now you have single source data management with improved operational efficiency. What’s that equate to? A reduction in the possibility of human error. In standardizing the labeling process across your chain of custody, you achieve greater accuracy and efficiency and worry less about complications that may cost you.

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From food service, production and processes, to pharma, personal care and medical device manufacturing, BarTender® has layers of configurable settings with a ton of security features. These configurations change depending on your industry’s needs. BarTender® was also built with todays’ rapidly changing and complex environments in mind, so of course they built in a range of security options: application-level security, including password protection for documents; systemwide permissions checks; revision control (to prevent multiple users from overwriting each other’s data and so you can track the progress of a document); print-only settings and restrictions; role permissions; label format encryption; and more. The purchase of the right edition also includes audit trail capture, enabling quick response and management during a recall with accurate and specific track and trace. Not to mention that you now have record of anyone who has come in contact with the product with limited ability for that record to be altered or misappropriated. That’s more accountability for everyone involved in the chain of custody.

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The best part is that BarTender® is available to you regardless of your company size. Are you a small business? Doesn’t matter. Your legal liability is just as important as your industry giants’. And you’re still required to be compliant with your industry’s standards. It’s time to toss out the paper files and folders and stop placing the onus of solid, secure, and successful chain of custody entirely on the shoulders of your labor force. For a touch under $600 your business can have its own Professional Edition of a software that you can rely on and trust to help you manage your chain of custody with less human error. That’s basically $50/month for peace of mind and your business’ legal compliance. Both of which are invaluable.  If the Professional Edition doesn’t meet your needs, you can choose from other packages. The point is, BarTender® is accessible to you and would be an essential part of your business process.

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So, how do you solve a problem like chain of custody and get more sleep at night? Now you know.

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BarTender® is secure. It’s trusted. And, it will adapt to meet any regulation or business demand you face in your product’s chain of custody. Worry less. Stress less. Sleep more. Trust and rely in a solution that will keep you compliant.

Be on the lookout for more on this topic or get in touch with us. We would be happy to demo the product for you. Just don’t wait for another solution to present itself and run the risk of missing a critical step in your chain of custody.

Get in touch with us today. Your enterprise is counting on it.   

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