
March 23, 2020

News: Imprint Enterprises – Deemed an ESSENTIAL Business

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March 23, 2020

Dear Valued Customer & Business Partner,

As we continue to understand the impact of the COVID-19 virus, IMPRINT ENTERPRISES remains committed to the well-being of our employees, business partners and local communities and have already taken decisive actions to protect our team’s health, safety and security. We have instituted a rigorous work from home program for our office and sales staff and continue to stress appropriate social distancing and hygiene protocols with our entire work force.

IMPRINT ENTERPRISES is deemed an ESSENTIAL business as directed by the Executive Order for the State of Illinois. IMPRINT ENTERPRISES directly and indirectly supplies the manufacturing/distribution industries with materials that are essential to the medical, hospital, food, transportation and packaging industries.

IMPRINT ENTERPRISES supplies thermal transfer, direct thermal and digital inkjet consumable solutions (barcode labeling supplies) that are essential to produce medical products such as patient identification wristbands used in hospitals and video imaging sonogram materials used by doctors to provide care guidance for expecting mothers. Additionally, our products are used to produce on-demand barcodes and human readable information that is the critical “first line” of information for direct labeling of goods in the essential industries of food, healthcare, transportation and packaging. These goods and services would not move through the supply chain without the proper coding of information that contain critical information such as material content, lot numbers and codes, and more.

We will continue to operate all facilities at capacity. To date, we remain fully operational at all locations.

Our goal is to work together proactively to support you and your business needs during this challenging and rapidly changing time.  Please contact your Account Manager (800-433-4512) or email customer_service@imprint100.com with any question or concern.

Thank you for your continued business, partnership and trust in us. We will all get through this together!

Stay Safe,

Michael Hess
Vice President, Operations & HR

For the latest information, please follow us on LinkedIn or visit www.imprint-e.com

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555 N Commons Drive     Aurora, Illinois 60504     630.505.1700     800.433.4512     Fax: 630.505.1511

