
March 4, 2020

The Importance of Vertical Verification for DOD Contracts

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Obtaining a contract with the Department of Defense (DOD) can be a long, tedious process, ensuring every t is crossed and every i is dotted.  Once you obtain that contract, why put all that effort and hard work into jeopardy with a bad barcode label?

The DOD requires specific unique identification (UID) markings on everything. 

These labels help with item management and accountability from manufacturing through the entire supply chain.  A bad barcode can delay critical missions and cause misplaced shipments. 

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The DOD requires specific unique identification (UID) markings on everything because a bad barcode can delay critical missions and cause misplaced shipments.

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Those delays and misplacements can result in delayed payments, major fines, lost contracts, and bad business relationships.  All that work put into obtaining the contract gets flushed down the drain.

Don’t let that happen to your company.  Understanding the UID requirements and having a top-quality barcode label machine saves time and money, ensuring compliance labeling is met.  Quality control is a major topic issue with the DOD.  How is your quality control?

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UID Requirements

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The DOD requires UID labels on tangible items, using specific standards and specifications.  These labels assist the DOD with seeing the value of the items, controlling the use of the items, and evaluate performance of those items.  With each barcode label needing to be 2D, and each line of information consisting of up to 50 characters each, there is a lot of room for error.

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Some of the general component requirements can include:

  • NSN/NATO stock number
  • CAGE code
  • Part number (PN or P/N)
  • Item description or nomenclature (as specified on contract)
  • Quantity and UI
  • Contract number or purchase order number
  • Military preservation method and date of unit preservation (if applicable)
  • Shelf-life (if applicable)
  • Serial number, preceded by SER NO
  • HAZMAT (if applicable)

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Compliance Labeling

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With barcode label symbology having to comply with ISO/IEC 16388, having a quality barcode label machine to monitor quality control for you can save you time and money.  How are you checking the quality of the barcode labels you print?  By verifying the first few prints, the middle of the prints, and the last few prints?  How many barcode labels are going unchecked?

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Quality Control

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What would it mean to your business if your barcode label machine could check every single label, applying a 0 through 4 grade as per ISO standards? 

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With the Honeywell PX940, you can program the machine to not only adhere to ISO grading standards but also compile a digital report to send to your customer showing the grade of every single barcode label.

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Integrated Verification Technology

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A top quality barcode label machine has an integrated verification technology systems for printing 2D barcode labels that are in compliance with ANSI MH10.8.1 and ISO/IEC 15438.  Each label is verified upon printing, voiding out bad labels and printing a new one that adheres to the standards set.

You can manage the label machine individually with its built-in touchscreen interface or through an intelligence software system to manage more than one at a time, at the same time.  The printing technology can also help to reduce smearing of labels. 

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These technological advancements provide you with security in knowing that your barcode labels will be of top quality.

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The Honeywell PX940 is an investment that takes the guess work out of barcode label specifications.

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Don’t put your business relationship into jeopardy with bad barcode labels.The PX940 will help you by providing the quality control measures that the DOD requires.With UID barcode labels needing to be 2D, each line of information ranging up to 50 characters, there is a lot that could go wrong if not properly monitored.

The Honeywell PX940 monitors quality for you, applying ISO standard grades to every label, voiding bad ones for you.

The barcode labels go onto supplies that support critical missions and ensure timely delivery.Contracts with the DOD tend to be large which can grossly affect your own profit statements and future business relationships.

Don’t risk your business relations and contracts.

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Let the PX940 do the barcode label work for you.

Contact us today to talk about getting your PX940.
