
March 11, 2020

Use Imprint Mobility Manager and Get Your Time Back

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The reality impacting businesses across industries (from manufacturing, distribution, transportation and logistics) is ineffective mobility management. There is a constant requirement for human and capital investment to be allocated for provisioning, monitoring, and repairing mobile technology. And there’s no way around it because mobile technology is here to stay; it will continue to evolve and be a critical component to successful enterprises.

What is also inevitable, with any technology or device, is that there will be times when a device is damaged, malfunctions, dies, etc. and this will interrupt business operations. If there aren’t the right resources to allocate managing the issue,

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it spreads through departments and increases the detrimental impact it has on business function.  It doesn’t have to be that way anymore. We are introducing our new platform of mobility management solutions: Imprint Mobility Manager (IM²) 

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IM² helps you across the entire lifecycle of your mobile technology – from provisioning, to monitoring, to repairs (and more) – via one source. We are one phone call away and everything’s covered. 

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We recognize the investment you’ve made in your devices; our role is to help you maximize that. So, when devices break down or get damaged, we respond quickly so that your downtime is reduced by repairing your device swiftly and getting it back to you. Our IM² system gets any device restored and back into service fast, all with a quick scan of the right bar code. We will also manage your service contracts, make the RMA request to the factory (Zebra or Honeywell), provide the RMA to you, and manage any customer returns to vendors, vendor repairs and/or shipping back to customer. Every mobile device requires set up and restoration and we have experts just waiting to handle these things for you.

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We will track your device performance 24/7.  When you use IM², you have a dedicated tech support team monitoring your devices in real time. This allows us to maintain your mobile fleet’s performance edge via scheduled updates and installing patches. Your company’s effectiveness in mobile communications is critical to your business which is why it’s also our primary concern. Have peace of mind knowing your mobile needs are professionally and affordably being taken care of (and watched closely).

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We are known for putting the SERVE back into customer service.  There’s a team of professionals and certified experts just ready to answer your call. You can reach out to us in any way that is best for you – email or phone. By managing your devices remotely, issues you’re having with your mobile fleet can be resolved faster and with ease. We can access your devices from wherever we are and no matter where they are (or you are). We’ll assess the problem; triage the issue; and then configure a solution.

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Tight integrations with Apple VPP and Google Play deliver the right application to the right employee and device. IT staff can use blacklist/whitelist controls to identify what corporate apps are available and can also wipe/remove enterprise apps if a device is non-compliant, lost, or if an employee leaves.

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You don’t have to live with mobility hassles any longer.  Use Imprint Mobility Manager and get your time back.

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We ensure that it’s super easy. Contact us when your devices are down, we’ll give you the right paperwork. You just have to put the device in a box, and we’ll take care of the rest. Plus, it’s a cost-effective way to instantly enhance the effectiveness of your mobile operations while reducing (or even eliminating) some of the biggest logistical headaches associated with a successful business mobility strategy. We are ready to partner with you.  Visit this page and fill out the form on the bottom to get started.
