
February 19, 2020

Why Manage Your Mobile Devices When We Can Do it for You?

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We understand how difficult it must be to oversee your company or department while also managing business mobility.  Maintaining your fleet of devices is critical to business function, but if your attention is placed there, it can’t be elsewhere. Having your eyes on all the moving parts and pieces is challenging for any sized company, but with a smaller business there are even fewer human resources to allocate across your business operations.  Inevitably, you end up doing more than you can as one person with a finite number of hours in the work week.

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As business demands increasing the size of your mobile fleet, the time and attention required to upkeep of all your devices increases, too. Naturally, you end up searching for a solution. Something that will allow you controlled and comprehensive oversight of your devices while not requiring your active administration. Luckily, your search is over. We’ve got the solution you’ve been looking for.

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Our new management service offerings are the perfect package to supporting your business mobility while you focus your time and attention on the bigger stuff.

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We have a long history of excellent customer service, a professional and certified team, a wide range of devices to address your business needs, and key applications to make managing your devices comprehensive and controlled. No longer do you have to manage your fleet yourself. You can outsource your device management to a professional, reputable, well-equipped and well stocked team like ours.

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Imprint Enterprises has a rich 45-year history with 28 in the data collection and mobility marketplace. We’ve evolved as the industry has but have continued to focus on and emphasize our customer care. Our customers have always come first. We offered them the best products with the best customer service for the best value. Our sales philosophy is the “marathon approach” truly believing in building long-term business relationships. This has translated to our reps knowing customers just by the sound of their voice. Our team is comprised of professional, experienced, and technically trained people who have strong tenure with our company and hold mastery over the industry.

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We have elite status as a premiere partner with industry leaders such as Zebra and Honeywell. Whether you need data collection or mobility hardware service, parts and supplies, or advice and technical support on how to get the most value out of your solutions, our skilled and responsive staff is ready to assist you. You can learn more about us here.

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Our team has all the right applications to have comprehensive oversight and full control over your fleet. Of our applications, these are the most critical to your mobility strategy: SOTI MobiControl Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Zebra VisibilityIQ™ Technology.  With the dedication of the excellent management service team you’ll be assigned, along with these robust, reputable, and cutting-edge tools, you’ll have clear and detailed oversight of your fleet.

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SOTI MobiControl is leading the industry in MDM solutions with the broadest device support – from laptops/PCs to AR headsets, and includes a wide range of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, single use devices, rugged devices). It’s also brand agnostic meaning it works with any major operating system (Windows, Android, Apple.) With SOTI MobiControl you can collect nearly all the data on each device, including (but not limited to): properties, app usage, geolocation, cellular and voice data usage, deployment info, and search results. MobiControl gives you the visibility and therefore control through the lifecycle of each device, beginning with rapid deployment and provisioning through to a device’s retirement.

Zebra’s VisibiityIQ™ Technology is an amazing solution that will shed light on all those moving parts and pieces you’re trying to manage. Zebra’s VisibilityIQ™ suite of services (OneCare®, Foresight, and DNA) will have you running a tighter ship and always steering the course because you know exactly what’s on the horizon. OnceCare® service and support is a configurable web-based tool enabling series repair, support cases, contracts, and LifeGuard™ reports.  With Foresight you can instantly know all your mobile computer device metrics from one single pane which helps you to streamline your workflows. DNA collects and delivers critical data allowing you for better decision-making. Through DNA you receive access to a full set of features, including: PowerPrecision Console (identifies your good batteries); Device Diagnostics; StageNow (rapidly configures your fleets); and WorryFree WiFi (strengthens your connectivity).

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If you’re already a customer of ours, then the transition will be easy; we already know your business, its needs, and what devices you’re employing. If, and when, those devices need upgrades or replacements, we’ll already be well-versed to recommend the latest version of the same device or a new one that will still effectively handle your business requirements with little- to no-interruption or downtime.  We can also recommend additional services or solutions to help improve your business’ day-to-day

If you’re new to us, you’ll be ecstatic that you found us. Our products and solutions work across nine industries (beverage, cannabis, chemical, food, fulfillment, logistics, manufacturing, medical, and packaging).  Our mobile devices range from barcode scanners to wearable scanners, mobile terminals, barcode verifiers, RFID products, rugged tables, and more.  And our solutions cover asset tracking, labeling, barcode systems, RFID solutions in addition to mobility solutions.

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Bottom line – we can be your one-stop shop for products and solutions while also offering mobility management services that will have you feeling relieved that your devices are being so well taken care of.  You can get your products through us, your service contracts, all the solutions you need, and get mobility management to go with it.

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We recognize the unique challenges businesses face in trying to manage their business mobility while also managing all the other parts of their business.

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Our new management services can oversee and maintain your mobile fleet and address the issues as they arise.  We are your perfect solution with great customer service, years of experience and certified professionals; amazing applications at our fingertips; and all the right devices to support your business operations. Why manage your mobile devices when we can do it for you? Contact us today to get started.
